Only showing posts with the tag Software Development.

Awesome Multiplayer Games, the site

Do you like playing games with other people? If so, you might often wonder what to play while looking at huge lists of games in your library or some game shop.

I wanted to make this easier and learn some new technology on the side (in this case backend development with NestJS), so I built a little webapp for finding awesome multiplayer games: multiplayer.page!

It’s also easy to add your own entries if you have a GitHub account – you’ll find all information here: https://github.com/herrherrmann/awesome-multiplayer-games – In fact, quite some people stumbled over this repo already and added new games which is fantastic!

In this sense: Game on and long live open source. ?

Some thoughts on “Maintaining Creativity”

I recently read “Maintaining Creativity / Psychology for Designers” by Frank Berzbach (currently not yet available in English but in German and some other languages) and it helped me think about and discover many insights about the topics creativity, productivity and different work environments. I want to share my main insights here.

As the title suggests, the book is mainly targeting designers who work in (or for) agencies and most of the examples align with that. However, in my opinion this knowledge can easily be applied to any job that revolves around working in an office environment and interacting with other people (i.e. software developers, project managers and many others). I recognized many of the situations described in the book during my time as a web developer at startups and also during my short periods as a freelancer and working remotely (the book also features a chapter about “properly working alone”).

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My first Atom package: Angular-Bootstrap

For the past year I’ve been using Atom on a nearly daily basis. Despite its sluggishness it quickly became my editor of choice thanks to many packages that are improving my workflow. I’m often using AngularJS and the UI Bootstrap components for my projects, so I decided to write my own Atom package full of snippets and auto-completions for that exact (and obviously popular) combination of frameworks. It’s appropriately called Angular-Bootstrap and received 171 downloads by now! It’s far from done (many components and documentation are still missing) but seeing it being downloaded and used by other people clearly increases my motivation to maintain it over a longer time.

So – if you’re one of its users – thanks for using my package and don’t hesitate to leave feedback in the GitHub repo!

The Modal snippet/auto-completion.